Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The end of America as we know it

Barack H. Obama is not my president. I'm shocked by the amount of ignorant Americans out there. It's the end of the United States of America as we know it. I wish I could go into hibernation for 4 years. To say I dislike this Marxist would not be too strong. To say I'm ashamed to be black would not be too strong. In 4 years I will be saying you made your beds Americans now die in it. Israel will now have no other choice but to start a war with Iran because Obama will not help them and it has to be done before President Bush leaves office. To call him the anti-Christ would not be too far off base. I'm literally sick to my stomach. So many Americans want to sit back and let the Government take care of them instead of working hard for what they want. No wonder so many Americans have no self esteem,lazy,fat, and out of shape. I bow my head in shame. I shake my fist with disgust. But so it is written and God words are coming to pass. So many people are lost sheep's and cannot think independently. I'm a leader and know that this man child is wrong for American capitalist society. If so many of you love socialism why don't you get the hell out and live in Europe? Rev. Wright is indeed correct in saying Americans chickens are coming home to roost. Because in 4 years we will pay for electing Obama as your president not mines.

Reh Dogg

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why are 95% of Blacks supporting Obama?

I am a black conservative black male. I'm ashamed of my black people. Obama represents bigger government and leans heavily on the far left. He believes in raising taxes. How can you be a black entrepreneur owning a small business support him? The government will take 62% of your profit leaving you with 36 cents on the dollar. I'm all for supporting black people but my principles comes first. This man panders and says anything to get a vote. One day he claims to be pro choice now a banner on his pathetic website says he's pro life. My mother always told me the friends and company you keep is a reflection on you. Obama has friends and associates running his campaign who are not good for America. He wants to socialize our nation? Look at Europe? Do we really want our rights taking away from us? Do you really want the government running our life? Everything the government does fails. Look at Fannie and Freddy. I really wish McCain would call names. Connecticut own Chris Dodd needs to do the right thing and step down. New World Order is soon coming.